Digital Marketing

What qualities that make for a good influencer

Who is an influencer? Put simply, an influencer is a social media personality or a blogger with a substantial amount of followers who they regularly engage with. Having a good influencer by your side means greater opportunity for a new lane of prospecting your brand. Consumers tend to prefer influencer-generated content over brand-based content. In fact, 60% of marketers indicated that influencer-generated content performs better and delivers more engagement than branded posts. As a result, influencers with positive qualities are important as your brand needs to be in good hands. Because a good influencer will impact a brand positively, while a bad influencer could cause some serious damage. So, it is in your best interest to choose the best ones.

An influencer who puts their heart and soul into building a positive reputation for themselves, and will do the same for your brand as well.

By promoting through them, you nurture your target audience by tapping into their audience base.

The influencer you choose must align with your brand persona, this is crucial in promoting your brand in the right alignment. Before you reach out to an influencer, ensure their existing content aligns with your brand’s message. Check out their pages and their posts to get an idea of the nature of their work.

Once you’ve done the research, there are certain qualities that good influencers possess that you should look out for. 

A drive to always learn more

A good influencer is always passionate and ready to learn more. They truly care for their verticals,keep themselves updated with market trends, and have a clear vision for future trajectories. They speak with confidence and conviction about all aspects of their vertical. This is someone you should trust, a person who is passionate to learn more about your brand.

The partnership will work because they understand you, know how your brand works, are aware of your goals, and align them with their specific audience.

Understands the market

It’s great to have influencers who have a good following and are experts in their field. However, if they don’t have a good understanding of the current market, then they are a bad choice for your brand. Good influencers take time to understand your needs and integrate your content according to the trends, rather than just merely taking money from your post at random.

Their authenticity and likability will  increase as they are genuine to their following rather than showering them obviously sponsored posts. They should show they truly care by personalizing the right content, making a win-win situation for you as well as them.

Knows their target audience

An influencer’s reach is based on the number of followers or subscribers they have. Some have random followers. While some have followers from a specific niche, and that’s what your brand needs! Make sure the influencer you pick has a reach and following from different industries or the target audience you’re looking at to promote your brand. 

It’s good to calculate numbers, but influencers having a sound understanding of the social platform they engage with and everything about their followers goes a long way in making your brand promotion a huge success.

Knows how, where, and when to pitch

A good influencer actively engages with their niche audience on a regular basis. They have a proper schedule to engage with them by various means to keep them updated, and on track with them. That’s what you’ll need for your brand – a regular engagement with your target audience through the influencer. The algorithms on social media platforms favor regular posting and certain times of posting. So having an influencer that knows how to pitch and when to pitch to their audience to maximize the effect of promotion is essential. 

If the influencer has the same goal as yours, your audience is going to witness the credible connection. 

Tap the Right Influencer with CAP Digisoft

Let CAP Digisoft connect your brand with the right influencer that meets your brand promotion goals. With us, you can rest assured that you’ve found the perfect influencer for your brand that builds a meaningful relationship with their target audience to make your brand promotion a huge success.

About Arun Kumar

Over the years, I've accumulated broad knowledge and expertise in International IT and IT enabled service requirements and solutions. I earned a Master's in Computer Applications, and a Master's in Business Administration (BPO).

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